Use this application to create and interact with an Ethereum crowdfunding campaign
This application has a Metamask browser extension dependency
Create a crowdfunding campaign on the Ethereum blockchain. Designate a target value (ETH), duration (seconds- I'm going to fix this), and beneficiary (Ethereum account), and deploy your smart contract to the network of your choice. This application supports Ethereum Mainnet and Sepolia (you can test before you commit). Be sure to copy your campaign address, this application does not persist that data yet.
Interact with an existing campaign. If the campaign status is 'ongoing' anyone can contribute. If the deadline has passed, anyone can finish the campaign. Finishing the campaign will set the status to 'succeeded' if the target was met and 'failed' if the target was not met. If the contract has a 'succeeded' status, the owner can collect the funds. If the contract has a 'failed' status, each contributor can withdraw their contribution. The owner of the campaign can cancel it, this will set the campaign status to 'failed'.